Lynx Eats

Project Overview

Spent my fall semester of sophomore year learning web design from my university’s course called Interactive Workshop. The assignment was to create a website that solved the needs of users and had visual depth.



Visual Design



Just Me



(2 Weeks)

Course Project





The Problem

Lunch break is one of the sought over activities for students to do throughout the day. At Lesley, racing in order beat the long lunch lines get quite annoying. The consequence for not being one of the earliest students means that you have to wait in long lines, wasting valuable time outside classes

The Objectives

Design a new website in order to efficient the allows students to avoid having to to rush towards Lesley’s dining halls during the lunch hours.

Long Lunch Lines Are Frustrating

Secondary Research

Due to the constraints of project assignment requirements and timeline, I had only given myself time search through a few articles to better understanding that other universities had been going through this issues as well.

Monstrous Minuttes

The biggest challenges that students had pointed out to was the extreme times they they would be in line for.

Figuring out The Right Students


Because I had not gotten to flesh out the research activities I originally wanted to do, I created these personas based on my assumptions from I’ve learned from the articles and the type of students I could be designing for.

Organizing the Information & Content

Prioritizing Menu

For students, being able to access the menu was my biggest concern, so I focused on making that feature as easy as possible to navigate to.

I also considered how Lesley University students used a form of currency called “Cashlynx”. This is put on students meal plan and held on their students ID. So if students wanted to buy food, they have direct access to their Cashlynx.

Website Behavior

It was important that I thought about the website would behave after the user interacts with the various inputs. In this diagram, I focused on the student’s process of trying to order menu item.


Landing Page - What’s currently serving (like breakfast for example), and any special food that’s being featured

Menu Page  - What’s currently available for Meals, Sides, Fruits,Drinks and what’s popular

Food Item (Menu Page) - Details of specific food item.

Visual Surface


I added visual elements once figuring the layout and content from the previous wireframes.


Due to the genre of Raven, we chose a sci-fi and technological style for the user interface.

Considering the Lunch Workers


Thought about the other end of the spectrum in order to give an organized, quick and stress-free way for the food workers to provide students food. The kiosk tablet would save time for fulfilling orders to create more revenue for the school

Wrap Ups & Takeaways

Improving Visual Design for Desktop

I decided I wanted to focus this assignment on a web based solution rather than a mobile because I wanted more experience designing websites. So I came away more confident designing for desktop.

More Research

Because of the timeline of the assignment, I hadn’t got to dive deep as I wanted to in user research so I kept this project more on improving my visual design skills for desktop. If I were to continue this project I would do observational studies on the school’s dining hall environment to observe user behaviors.

Usability Test

Along with the user research I would wanted to do some usability test to try validate my design chances.